
Dynamic Vs. Static Retargeting


The art and science of attracting customers keeps getting more sophisticated and one intelligent way forward is the adoption of dynamic retargeting.

The concept of retargeting

Offline, many potential customers like to browse and think a little before making their final purchase decision, so they may elect to visit a retail outlet more than once to ensure that they are making the right choice.

The same holds true in the online world, but online retailers have the opportunity to reconnect with the potential customer as they are browsing the internet.  This is known as retargeting.This digital concept essentially shows the shopper adverts to remind them of their intention to make a purchase and to encourage them to return to the site to complete it.

Static retargeting

Static retargeting is about the product rather than the person.  It involves using several variations of the same advert and showing one or more of them to the same customer based on their browsing behaviour on your site.

In many ways, static retargeting is the digital equivalent of a sandwich board advertising your product.  It will get a customer’s attention and will probably elicit some sort of response but, while it will get some people to take the desired action, it is very likely to annoy others to the point where it will devalue your brand and even discourage them from purchasing from you in the future.

This is a risk many “big box” brands find acceptable, since they have a large customer base, however it is a rather more dangerous strategy for luxury brands.

Dynamic retargeting

Dynamic retargeting is all about the potential customer.  It is both subtle and highly personalised, so it is less likely to be intrusive and more likely to be considered engaging rather than annoying.

The key factor in dynamic retargeting is that it looks at the user’s overall behaviour, not just on the retailer’s own website but across the internet in general and serves them an advert that has been created specifically for them and is served to them at the time when they are most likely to be on the point of making a purchasing decision.

To get an idea of the difference between static and dynamic retargeting, consider the following scenario: A customer arrives at a luxury leather goods site and browses through the belts Then, that person looks at gifts and leaves the site..  With static retargeting, the site would probably continue to show the customer adverts for belts, however, the dynamic retargeting algorithm would follow the customer as they continue browsing online. It analyses the browsing data and concludes that this individual is looking for something that is practical as well as beautiful, so the site shows him an advert for a leather-bound journal from the gift range as well as belts and other leather gifts.

The post Dynamic Vs. Static Retargeting appeared first on Verb Brands.